1. How to apply :

  • a. Students desirous of taking admission into 1st year of +2 and +3 Degree course (First University) are required to apply in the prescribed form along with required documents within 15 days from the date of publication of result.
  • b. Application for admission received after the scheduled date will be summarily rejected.
  • c. Application form for admission can be obtained from the College Office on payment of Rs. 50/- in cash. Candidates desirous of obtaining form and prospectus by post are required to send Rs. 50/- more in ordinary postage or more for Regd. Post extra by M.O. However, the College will not be responsible for any Postal delay or loss.
  • d. A Copy of the printed prospectus and an Official receipt of Rs. 50/- towards the cost of application form will be pro- vided along with the application form.

2. Rules


a. Five obligatory subjects of a CBSE student passing Class- X will be taken into account for selection.

b. 12% for ST and 08% for SC and 03% for Handicapped students are kept reserved. No seat can be kept reserved for students passing out of supplementary/Instant Examination.

c. For applicants who have represented the University or the state at all India level in sports, Games NSS or NCC activities will be given weightage of an additional 5% marks over and above the percentage of marks secured by them in the last qualifying examination.

d. For applicants who have secured A/B Certificates in NCC will gate an additional weightage of 5% and 10% marks respectively over and above the percentage of marks se- cured in the qualifying examination.

e. Applicants in prossession of Junior Red Cross Certificate will be given weightage of 3% marks subject to the production of certificate counter signed by the secretary J.R.C.

f. Selected students should remain present during admission with all Original documents /Certificates. Candidates failing to take admission on the scheduled date and time shall forfeit their Claim for admission. No extension of time is al- lowed for admission.

g. All the above rules are subject to modification as per Government order/instruction. Aggregate marks mean exclud- ing the 4th optional of the candidate, Admission will be made strictly on the basis of merit.

3. The following documents are to be produced at the time of admission :

a. Original school / College leving Certificate, Conduct Certificate and other Certificates for which weightage is claimed.

b. Original Mark sheet of the qualifying examination.

c. Four stamp size photographs duly attested by a gazetted officer.

d. Original caste certificate in case of Scheduled Caste/Tribe students. (For details see Prospectus)


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